
Speech by an apprentice health worker at the ‘Walk of Care’ in Berlin

We document a speech by an apprentice care worker held at a recent ‘Walk of Care’ in Berlin

Read The Latest Issue
Working Conditions

Calling (off) all agency and bank workers – What’s happening?

On the current cuts of bank and agency shifts in the NHS and the local hospitals in Bristol

Worker and Patient

Issue no.1 – HCA philosophy / For a new relation with patients

This series will present reflections on the relationship between health workers and patients

Current Struggles

Issue no. 1 – Minimum wages for maximum stress

Since the pay dispute in 2022/2023, there have been a number of local strikes across the country within the NHS

Working Conditions

Issue no.1 – The Letting Game – Letting you down

Imagine 18,000 hospital workers blocking the M32 or the port in Avonmouth depot demanding a rent cap for Bristol

Working Conditions

Issue no.1 – Tears, sweat and placements

In the coming issues of Vital Signs we will interview nursing and medical students about their experiences


Issue no.1 – Against the global trauma ward! Against the bosses’ wars!

Why we have to oppose all states in their military race for markets and create unity amongst our fellow workers worldwide

Current Struggles

Issue no.1 – Re-banding or banding together?

If we don’t stick together and stand up for ourselves against stress and low wages, the bitching will start sooner or later

Working Conditions

Issue no. 1 – Bye, bye Dubai – Hello Bedminster!

Health workers migrate and bring with them experiences from around the globe


Issue no.1 – For workers’ and patients’ control of the health industry

There are good reasons why we need more workers’ and patients’ control over the health system