Against the cuts – Interview with a worker from the Unity sexual health clinic in Bristol
The clinic is threatened with cuts to jobs and services
Interview with a medical student
We have to overcome divisions within the work force – this interview with a medical student is part of this effort
France: Testimony of a health care assistant and examples of struggle
Another short text from ‘Nous ne serons plus patients’, a book by health workers from France
Physician Associates vs. Advanced practitioner vs. Doctors: Cooperation or bare-knuckle fight?
The dispute about PAs from a wider workers’ perspective
Hospital workers on strike in Berlin – A video
Against outsourcing and for better conditions
Against the militarisation of the health sector – A Vital Signs position
As health workers we have to refuse the role as cogs in the war machine that we are supposed to play
Short Rants from Southmead hospital and the BRI
We share a few rants from BRI and Southmead colleagues with you
For a working class revolution
As Vital Signs we speak in favour of a working class revolution for a classless society
Outsourcing in ortho theatres in Bristol – Privatisation ain’t hip!
A short report about a current dispute at one of the two main hospitals in Bristol
The Assisted Dying Bill – Contribution to the debate (2)
As health workers we have to discuss together when the state introduces fundamental changes in our sector